Sorry to hear that you cannot connect to the camera with your mobile phone.

Some cameras may not work properly with a long password or a password with punctuation.

It could be that your Wi-Fi password is too long and/or contains punctuation.

You could try simplifying the wifi password and then try again.

If this doesn't work, I need some more information from you in order to help you further.

Please find below the following information I would need;

1: At what step of logging in the camera to your wifi network does the process get stuck?

2: What kind of smartphone are you using? An Android or an IOS?

3: what brand and model of router/wifi are you using? 

4: Do you have multiple routers connected in a row?

I hope that the above information will help you with the installation on the smartphone.

If not, I'd love to hear from you and we'll continue to see if we can solve the problem.


Now that you have connected the camera directly to the app, you can go to the camera settings in the camera overview. Here you should be able to connect the camera to your own wifi.

Note that the password of the home wifi network may also need to be simplified.

If the camera is successfully connected to the home wifi network, the camera should be accessible from the outside.

If this is not the case, you can check your router to see if you can find the camera in your network and adjust the properties/restrictions of the camera.

Make sure that the UpNp box is ticked. This ensures that the router opens the ports assigned to the camera and that the camera is allowed in the firewall.

I hope that the above information will help you.