During installation, it is very important that all steps are performed in order according to the manual. This means: Start with the installation of the parent unit, then the installation on the smartphone. Is this done the other way around? Then just reset the camera (there is a button at the bottom, press it for about 10 seconds). And so we start again. I would advise you to do this first, so you can't go wrong! :)

1: On the parent unit, first choose the ALECTO wifi. If this has succeeded (and the password has been entered on the baby monitor), choose the HOME wifi on the parents unit. (See paragraph 2.1 in the manual). Here you fill in all data of your THUIS-wifi. The parent unit is then installed.  

2: Next step is the smartphone: In the settings of your phone, go to ALECTO wifi. Stay connected. Then go to the app: You press the + in the app to add the camera and you choose the ALECTO wifi. This is a temporary network, so the camera can find the smartphone. Then you enter the password you have entered on the parent unit. Then go back to your HOME wifi in the app -> the camera is online and everything is installed. Next, in the settings on your smartphone, you can also choose your own home wifi again.  

When starting up, the screen is completely blue with 'name or password wrong' in red on the top left. After a few seconds of pressing on the blue screen, a white cross appeared in the top right corner of the screen. Pressing this, a message appeared at the bottom asking you to delete the camera (with number). Pressed 'yes' and then the blue screen with the camera icon came on the screen as shown in the manual. After that, it went well.  

These are the steps to complete the installation. If it doesn't work, make a video (with another smartphone) of all the steps you take. This way we can watch it with you from a distance and see where it goes wrong.