If your bottle warmer is not working, it might be due to the reset switch. This switch is used to cut off the power to prevent overheating when the water dries up. Follow these steps to turn the bottle warmer back on:

Wait 10 minutes:

  • Allow the bottle warmer to cool down for 10 minutes.

Pour cold water into the bottle warmer:

  • If you do not want to wait, you can also pour cold water into the bottle warmer to cool it down faster.

Press the reset switch:

  • After the bottle warmer has cooled down, press the reset switch until you hear a click sound. This will turn the power back on.

Select the desired function:

  • Then select the function needed to warm the baby food.

Note: Remember to wait until the bottle warmer has completely cooled down before pressing the reset switch, otherwise, the power cannot be turned on.